Manufacturing iot spending will reach $127.5 billion in 2020

China Smart City Network 本站 2016-09-01 236

Recently, IDC released the "China Manufacturing iot Market Forecast" (2016-2020)。The forecast shows that the compound annual growth rate of enterprise iot spending in China's manufacturing industry in the next five years is 14.7 percent and as much as $127.5 billion by 2020.。Among them, software and services will lead the rapid growth of iot spending in China's manufacturing industry, with their market share exceeding 60%。

For this growth rate, IDC believes that the Internet of Things has become a national emerging strategic industry, the support of government policies and funds will promote the development of intelligent manufacturing, improve the level of networked collaborative manufacturing, and accelerate the transformation of manufacturing to services, which will promote manufacturing iot spending to maintain a high growth in the next 3 to 5 years。  The forecast points out that although the development of China's Internet of Things in the manufacturing industry is still in its early stages, the depth and breadth of its application are constantly strengthening, and new application scenarios are constantly emerging。With the integration of emerging technologies, such as cloud computing, big data and mobile technology, with the Internet of Things and the integration of IT (information technology) and OT (operational technology), the potential of iot technology will be accelerated。

IDC expects that in the next two years, the development of the Internet of Things in China's manufacturing industry will show the following three trends: the competition of the Internet of Things platform is becoming increasingly fierce, the application of the Internet of Things accelerates manufacturing innovation, and edge computing becomes the next hot spot。

In terms of platform competition, IDC believes that the manufacturing iot platform will be one of the main directions representing the transformation and reshaping of intelligent manufacturing。The platform of the future can come from both the hardware field and the software field。In accelerating manufacturing innovation, IDC believes that the advantages of low-cost perception, efficient data collection, real-time data recording, distributed computing and advanced data analysis of Internet of Things applications will accelerate the deep integration of information technology and manufacturing。

In edge computing, IDC believes that a large number of iot terminals will lead to geometric growth of iot data, and data filtering and processing through decentralized terminal devices and iot gateways will be an important development direction for iot applications in the manufacturing industry。